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aktualnosci:2013:09:07:pagelaunched [2013/09/07 12:03]
porzycki created
aktualnosci:2013:09:07:pagelaunched [2013/09/12 22:06] (current)
porzycki [ACRI 2014 web page launched]
Line 3: Line 3:
 Today new, beta version of conference page was released. Today new, beta version of conference page was released.
 +Any remarks about this webpage functionality or content please send to [[]]
 +{{ :​kis_config:​strona_small.png?​nolink |}}
aktualnosci/2013/09/07/pagelaunched.1378548194.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013/09/07 12:03 by porzycki